Thursday, August 17, 2006

New book for our travels

I ordered a new book, for our travels. It is called Watch It Made in the U.S.A: A Visitor's Guide to the Companies That Make Your Favorite Products by Karen Axelrod; Bruce Brumberg. I have tried to post a pic of it, once again, with no success!!
I am thrilled with the book. It is a guide to Factories and such that offer tours of their facilities. They have it in sections, by states, and then a list of the places, along with directions to the factory that they are "informing" you about. The other information included background on the company, what they offer during the tour, how long the tour will take, if they have a gift shop, and if there is a cost for the tour. It is a super book and we hope to put it to good use too when we travel. There are several tours that the family will enjoy, a few the boys would like and some that girls would like and some just the adults would like, so it is a book for everyone!!! Cant wait to put it to practical use!!

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