Thursday, March 27, 2008


The weather has been super crazy here lately...
Last week it was the flooding with over 10 inches of rain here in just a couple of days...
It was pretty wicked, some really serious water. We have lived here in MO for 13 years and this was the worse flooding I have seen...but it is over and well today...Hail...just a bit of rain (thank goodness, cause we are super soaked up) but the hail was pretty started out small, like little chips and such, then it went to tiny balls...
I thought it was going to stop then after a minute or two, it started again and bigger, small marble size...and lots of it. It started to cover the ground quickly. The hail started to get a bit bigger, about large marble size or a bit bigger... then as quickly as it started, it stopped.
I would have posted some pics, but it was dark by the time it stopped and I wasnt heading out in all that hail mess.

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